Check out this video of a woman who lost more then $100,000 to an internet scammer! You may say this will never happen to you, but this lady thought the same thing. It is important to be vigilant and use resources to stay safe. Ladies and gentlemen. It could happen to anyone. Vetting is important. Our hearts are touched and we felt deeply sorry for her that we were not in touch with her before this happened. It is our mission to keep up the fight against these criminals.
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The #1Blog of internet bodyguards of company and personal online and browsing.
Blocking harmful interactions worldwide! Contact us if you've been or are suspicious of a scam. We help you avoid harmful transactions online.
OUR SERVICES: Free help for victims, Scam Checks For Businesses, Scam Checks for Individuals
Fraud Stoppers Computer Consulting for Professionals and Businesses. Check our ABOUT page for details!
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