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Online Marketer Joke!

This scam artist is a real clown. They're not depositing any of your money and you won't get any return. They promised high value and...

Trade Away Jessica!

This is one of the newest scams just created earlier last week. This person is pretending to be a trader that will take your bitcoin and...

Blockchain Phony

Here is another individual you need to take note of when finding a broker. Our team has discovered that this person's base is in Denver,...

Jim the Grim Trader

Our search team has tracked down this individual and have found that the location is a faje online broker running out of Utah. Now of...

A Royal Disgrace

One of the most notorious cryptocurrency and Bitcoin scammers on social media. The profile name given is Betty Kingston, but clearly it...

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Exposing social media and online scams of all types. Take a look and read our client's stories. Do you recognize any that you've come across online?

Don't fall for it 

Welcome to Blockers of Scams, detecting ALL types of scams on social media and preparing you with important business essentials, a unique blog here for you to explore.

Helping stop scams on social media has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers.  Scam Alerts are our specialty Read on, and enjoy.

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